# Hi, I'm Ryan.
Welcome to my hub - where all of my interests intersect.
I’m a firm believer that every day is a chance to learn something new and make a positive difference. My website helps capture my progress in both of those areas.
I cover topics that appeal to me as a software engineering leader, father/husband, and new experience addict (I don't even order the same food more than once from a restaurant).
This is a ***living*** website. It is inspired by the concepts of [mind gardens](https://mister-chad.com/mind+gardens/!+mind+garden), [personal knowledge management (PKM) repositories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_knowledge_management), and [learning publicly](https://yougotthis.io/library/learning-in-public/). You may catch some content that is a work-in-progress, or not yet created.
For fully-baked content, check out any of my #blog-post pages and other [[tagged pages]]. Or to explore my ever-expanding view of the world, start clicking around!
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